Kyle T. Mandli, Ph.D.


Contact Information

NSF NCAR Climate and Global Dynamics Lab
e-mail: kyle mandli at Voice:(206) 250-3731

Research Interests

Computational mathematics with applications to coastal floods and other geophysical hazards. Includes numerical methods for hyperbolic PDEs, high performance computing, and software development practices in scientific and engineering software.




Google Scholar

Citations 1746
h-index 20
i10-index 34

Submitted and Preprints

  1. Model reduction of a parametrized scalar hyperbolic conservation law using displacement interpolation
    Rim, Donsub and Mandli, Kyle T - (2018)
  2. An Implementation of Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Shallow Water Equations
    Schwarzschild, Avi and Mandli, Kyle T - (2018)
  3. Impacts of Barrier-Island Breaching on Mainland Flooding During Storm Events applied to Moriches, NY
    Jeffries, C. R. and Weiss, R. and Irish, J. L. and Mandli, K. - (2024)
  4. Flood Risk Assessment for Subway Systems in NYC with GIS-based Subdivision-Redistribution Methodology
    Miura, Yuki and Blackshaw, C. Y. and Zhang, M. S. and Mandli, Kyle T. and Deodatis, George - (2024)
  5. Modeling Storm Surges with a Bounded Probability Distribution
    Miura, Yuki and Mandli, Kyle T. and Deodatis, George - (2024)
  6. Tapestries of Knowledge: Using Convergence Science to Weave Indigenous Science and Wisdom with other Scientific Approaches to Climate Challenges
    Maldonado, Julie and Lazrus, Heather and Davis, Lilia and Herring, Stephanie and Martinez, Carlos and Blanchard, Paulette and Tachera, DIamond and Neosh, Jasmine and Keliipuleole, Ku’i and Proctor, Kaleb and Moore, Tyler and Tavares, Anuhea and Freed, Ku’ulei and Hood, Robbie and Wildcat, Daniel and Tano, Merv and Hamilton, Ava and Thomas, Bill and Cooten, Suzanne Van and Vaughan, Mehana and Shea, Eileen and Mandli, Kyle and Holland, Marika and Schneider, Tim - (2025)

Journal Articles

  1. The GeoClaw software for depth-averaged flows with adaptive refinement
    Berger, Marsha J. and George, David L. and LeVeque, Randall J. and Mandli, Kyle T. - Advances in Water Resources (2011) 10.1016/j.advwatres.2011.02.016
  2. PyClaw: Accessible, Extensible, Scalable Tools for Wave Propagation Problems
    Ketcheson, David I. and Mandli, Kyle and Ahmadia, Aron J. and Alghamdi, Amal and Luna, Manuel Quezada de and Parsani, Matteo and Knepley, Matthew G. and Emmett, Matthew - SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (2012) 10.1137/110856976
  3. A numerical method for the two layer shallow water equations with dry states
    Mandli, Kyle T. - Ocean Modelling (2013) 10.1016/j.ocemod.2013.08.001
  4. Adaptive mesh refinement for storm surge
    Mandli, Kyle T. and Dawson, Clint N. - Ocean Modelling (2014) 10.1016/j.ocemod.2014.01.002
  5. Uncertainty quantification and inference of Manning’s friction coefficients using DART buoy data during the Tōhoku tsunami
    Sraj, Ihab and Mandli, Kyle T. and Knio, Omar M. and Dawson, Clint N. and Hoteit, Ibrahim - Ocean Modelling (2014) 10.1016/j.ocemod.2014.09.001
  6. Visualizing uncertainties in a storm surge ensemble data assimilation and forecasting system
    Höllt, Thomas and Altaf, M. Umer and Mandli, Kyle T. and Hadwiger, Markus and Dawson, Clint N. and Hoteit, Ibrahim - Natural Hazards (2015) 10.1007/s11069-015-1596-y
  7. Clawpack: building an open source ecosystem for solving hyperbolic PDEs
    Mandli, Kyle T and Ahmadia, Aron J and Berger, Marsha and Calhoun, Donna and George, David L and Hadjimichael, Yiannis and Ketcheson, David I and Lemoine, Grady I and LeVeque, Randall J - PeerJ Computer Science (2016) 10.7717/peerj-cs.68
  8. Quantifying uncertainties in fault slip distribution during the Tōhoku tsunami using polynomial chaos
    Sraj, Ihab and Mandli, Kyle T. and Knio, Omar M. and Dawson, Clint N. and Hoteit, Ibrahim - Ocean Dynamics (2017) 10.1007/s10236-017-1105-9
  9. Bayesian inference of earthquake parameters from buoy data using a polynomial chaos-based surrogate
    Giraldi, Loïc and Maître, Olivier P. Le and Mandli, Kyle T. and Dawson, Clint N. and Hoteit, Ibrahim and Knio, Omar M. - Computational Geosciences (2017) 10.1007/s10596-017-9646-z
  10. Evolution and Controls of Large Glacial Lakes in the Nepal Himalaya
    Haritashya, Umesh K. and Kargel, Jeffrey S. and Shugar, Dan H. and Leonard, Gregory J. and Strattman, Katherine and Watson, C. Scott and Shean, David and Harrison, Stephan and Mandli, Kyle T. and Regmi, Dhananjay - Remote Sensing (2018) 10.3390/rs10050798
  11. Displacement Interpolation Using Monotone Rearrangement
    Rim, Donsub and Mandli, Kyle T. - SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification (2018) 10.1137/18m1168315
  12. Dynamically adaptive data-driven simulation of extreme hydrological flows
    Jain, Pushkar Kumar and Mandli, Kyle and Hoteit, Ibrahim and Knio, Omar and Dawson, Clint - Ocean Modelling (2018) 10.1016/j.ocemod.2017.12.004
  13. hp discontinuous Galerkin methods for parametric, wind-driven water wave models
    Conroy, Colton J. and Kubatko, Ethan J. and Nappi, Angela and Sebian, Rachel and West, Dustin and Mandli, Kyle T. - Advances in Water Resources (2018) 10.1016/j.advwatres.2018.04.008
  14. Surrogate-based parameter inference in debris flow model
    Navarro, Maria and Maître, Olivier P. Le and Hoteit, Ibrahim and George, David L. and Mandli, Kyle T. and Knio, Omar M. - Computational Geosciences (2018) 10.1007/s10596-018-9765-1
  15. Tropical cyclone hazard to Mumbai in the recent historical climate
    Sobel, Adam H. and Lee, Chia-Ying and Camargo, Suzana J. and Mandli, Kyle T. and Emanuel, Kerry A. and Mukhopadhyay, Parthasarathi and Mahakur, M. - Monthly Weather Review (2019) 10.1175/mwr-d-18-0419.1
  16. Modeling and Simulation of Tsunami Impact: A Short Review of Recent Advances and Future Challenges
    Marras, Simone and Mandli, Kyle T. - Geosciences (2020) 10.3390/geosciences11010005
  17. An \h\-Box Method for Shallow Water Equations Including Barriers
    Li, Jiao and Mandli, Kyle T - SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (2021) 10.1137/19m128363x
  18. Optimization of Coastal Protections in the Presence of Climate Change
    Miura, Yuki and Dinenis, Philip C. and Mandli, Kyle T. and Deodatis, George and Bienstock, Daniel - Frontiers in Climate (2021) 10.3389/fclim.2021.613293
  19. A methodological framework for determining an optimal coastal protection strategy against storm surges and sea level rise
    Miura, Yuki and Qureshi, Huda and Ryoo, Chanyang and Dinenis, Philip C. and Li, Jiao and Mandli, Kyle T. and Deodatis, George and Bienstock, Daniel and Lazrus, Heather and Morss, Rebecca - Natural Hazards (2021) 10.1007/s11069-021-04661-5
  20. Numerical Considerations for Quantifying Air–Water Turbulence with Moment Field Equations
    Conroy, Colton J. and Mandli, Kyle T. and Kubatko, Ethan J. - Water Waves (2021) 10.1007/s42286-021-00048-y
  21. Continental Scale Heterogeneous Channel Flow Routing Strategy for Operational Forecasting Models
    Meselhe, Ehab and Lamjiri, Maryam A. and Flint, Kelly and Matus, Sean and White, Eric D. and Mandli, Kyle - JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association (2021) 10.1111/1752-1688.12847
  22. Quantifying air–water turbulence with moment field equations
    Conroy, Colton J. and Mandli, Kyle T. and Kubatko, Ethan J. - Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2021) 10.1017/jfm.2021.242
  23. High-Speed GIS-Based Simulation of Storm Surge–Induced Flooding Accounting for Sea Level Rise
    Miura, Yuki and Mandli, Kyle T and Deodatis, George - Natural Hazards Review (2021) 10.1061/(asce)nh.1527-6996.0000465
  24. A new tropical cyclone surge index incorporating the effects of coastal geometry, bathymetry and storm information
    Islam, Md. Rezuanul and Lee, Chia-Ying and Mandli, Kyle T. and Takagi, Hiroshi - Scientific Reports (2021) 10.1038/s41598-021-95825-7
  25. Extreme Water Level Simulation and Component Analysis in Delaware Estuary during Hurricane Isabel
    Yin, Dongxiao and Muñoz, David F. and Bakhtyar, Roham and Xue, Z. George and Moftakhari, Hamed and Ferreira, Celso and Mandli, Kyle - JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association (2022) 10.1111/1752-1688.12947
  26. A Novel Framework for Parametric Analysis of Coastal Transition Zone Modeling
    Chegini, Taher and Coelho, Gustavo de Almeida and Ratcliff, John and Ferreira, Celso M. and Mandli, Kyle and Burke, Patrick and Li, Hong‐Yi - JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association (2022) 10.1111/1752-1688.12983
  27. Under the surface: Pressure-induced planetary-scale waves, volcanic lightning, and gaseous clouds caused by the submarine eruption of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano
    Yuen, David A. and Scruggs, Melissa A. and Spera, Frank J. and Zheng, Yingcai and Hu, Hao and McNutt, Stephen R. and Thompson, Glenn and Mandli, Kyle and Keller, Barry R. and Wei, Songqiao Shawn and Peng, Zhigang and Zhou, Zili and Mulargia, Francesco and Tanioka, Yuichiro - Earthquake Research Advances (2022) 10.1016/j.eqrea.2022.100134
  28. Advancing Interdisciplinary and Convergent Science for Communities: Lessons Learned through the NCAR Early-Career Faculty Innovator Program
    Bukvic, Anamaria and Mandli, Kyle and Finn, Donovan and Mayo, Talea and Wong-Parodi, Gabrielle and Merdjanoff, Alexis and Alland, Joshua and Davis, Christopher and Haacker, Rebecca and Morss, Rebecca and O’Lenick, Cassandra and Wilhelmi, Olga and Lombardozzi, Danica - Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (2022) 10.1175/bams-d-21-0265.1
  29. Inter‐Model Comparison of Delft3D‐FM and 2D HEC‐RAS for Total Water Level Prediction in Coastal to Inland Transition Zones
    Muñoz, David F. and Yin, Dongxiao and Bakhtyar, Roham and Moftakhari, Hamed and Xue, Zuo and Mandli, Kyle and Ferreira, Celso - JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association (2022) 10.1111/1752-1688.12952
  30. Moving from interdisciplinary to convergent research across geoscience and social sciences: challenges and strategies
    Finn, Donovan and Mandli, Kyle and Bukvic, Anamaria and Davis, Christopher A and Haacker, Rebecca and Morss, Rebecca E and O’Lenick, Cassandra R and Wilhelmi, Olga and Wong-Parodi, Gabrielle and Merdjanoff, Alexis A and Mayo, Talea L - Environmental Research Letters (2022) 10.1088/1748-9326/ac7409
  31. Episodic Magma Hammers for the 15 January 2022 Cataclysmic Eruption of Hunga Tonga‐Hunga Ha’apai
    Zheng, Yingcai and Hu, Hao and Spera, Frank J. and Scruggs, Melissa and Thompson, Glenn and Jin, Yuesu and Lapen, Tom and McNutt, Stephen R. and Mandli, Kyle and Peng, Zhigang and Yuen, Dave A. - Geophysical Research Letters (2023) 10.1029/2023gl102763
  32. Manifold Approximations via Transported Subspaces: Model Reduction for Transport-Dominated Problems
    Rim, Donsub and Peherstorfer, Benjamin and Mandli, Kyle T. - SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (2023) 10.1137/20m1316998
  33. Advances in Morphodynamic Modeling of Coastal Barriers: A Review
    Hoagland, Steven W.H. and Jeffries, Catherine R. and Irish, Jennifer L. and Weiss, Robert and Mandli, Kyle and Vitousek, Sean and Johnson, Catherine M. and Cialone, Mary A. - Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering (2023) 10.1061/jwped5.wweng-1825
  34. Climate Change Contributions to Increasing Compound Flooding Risk in New York City
    Sarhadi, Ali and Rousseau-Rizzi, Raphaël and Mandli, Kyle and Neal, Jeffrey and Wiper, Michael P and Feldmann, Monika and Emanuel, Kerry - Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (2024) 10.1175/bams-d-23-0177.1
  35. Coupling Coastal and Hydrologic Models through Next Generation National Water Model Framework
    Hamidi, Ebrahim and Henrichsen, Hart and Sandquist, Abbie and Zhang, Hongyuan and Moftakhari, Hamed and Ames, Daniel and Bao, Shaowu and Ferreira, Celso and Mandli, Kyle T - Journal of Hydrologic Engineering (2025) 10.1061/jhyeff.heeng-6343

Conference Proceedings

  1. ManyClaw: Slicing and dicing Riemann solvers for next generation highly parallel architectures
    Terrel, Andy R and Mandli, Kyle T - (2012)
  2. ForestClaw: Hybrid forest-of-octrees AMR for hyperbolic conservation laws
    Burstedde, Carsten and Calhoun, Donna A and Mandli, Kyle and Terrel, Andy R - (2013) 10.3233/978-1-61499-381-0-253
  3. Hybrid analog-digital solution of nonlinear partial differential equations
    Huang, Yipeng and Guo, Ning and Seok, Mingoo and Tsividis, Yannis and Mandli, Kyle and Sethumadhavan, Simha - (2017) 10.1145/3123939.3124550
  4. Vectorization of Riemann solvers for the single- and multi-layer shallow water equations
    Ferreira, Chaulio R and Mandli, Kyle T and Bader, Michael - (2018) 10.1109/hpcs.2018.00073


  1. Teaching and Learning with Jupyter
    Barba, Lorena A. and Barker, Lecia J. and Blank, Douglas S. and Brown, Jed and Downey, Allen B. and George, Timothy and Heagy, Lindsey J. and Mandli, Kyle T. and Moore, Jason K. and Lippert, David and Niemeyer, Kyle E. and Watkins, Ryan R. and West, Richard H. and Wickes, Elizabeth and Willing, Carol and Zingale, Michael - (2019)

Open Source Software




Invited Talks




Service to the Field:

Funding Agencies:

